What's New!

Help Update NH’s Climate Action Plan

New Hampshire is listening. Let your voice be heard. The NH Department of Environmental Services has teamed up with NH Listens at UNH to conduct both in-person and online conversations to identify priorities for an update of the state’s Climate Action Plan.

This is a great opportunity for you to make your voice heard on the state’s Climate Action Plan.

Eight in-person meetings will be held around the state between January 16 and February 7, and online sessions will be held on January 9 and 24. These are not “hearings” per se, but rather facilitated small-group conversations to talk about local and regional issues and potential solutions. This is the perfect opportunity to make your voice and ideas heard.

Of course, expanded opportunities for safe biking and walking deserve a place on the list of climate change solutions! BWANH believes that the State needs to place a greater emphasis on biking and walking with respect to transportation infrastructure, transportation safety programs, and tourism strategy. Now that the transportation sector has become the largest source of emissions, it is more important than ever to strengthen climate action plans and policies.

If you are in the Greater Manchester, Greater Nashua, or the Greater Seacoast Region, your insights will also help inform the development of a Climate Action Plan for Greater Boston.

To learn more about New Hampshire’s planning process, visit this page. To register for any of the listening sessions, register here. BWANH will see you there!  We will have BWANH representatives commenting on the many way that expanding biking and walking opportunities and conditions in the state have a beneficial effect

Bike-Walk Alliance of NH

2 Whitney Rd., Suite 11
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: 603-410-5848 | email: info@bwanh.org