Bike Friendly Driver Class


BWANH is pleased to announce that the “Bike Friendly Driver” class is available to be brought to your community, neighborhood, or organization.  This class instructs motor vehicle drivers on how to share the road safely and legally with bicycle road users.

Learn about laws in NH and surrounding states that govern roadway behavior for both bicyclists and motorists on our shared roadways.  Gain a better understanding of how to safely navigate roads that include bicycle-friendly infrastructure such as sharrows, protected and non-protected bike lanes and more.

This class is aimed at helping to achieve “Vision Zero” project goals of eliminating deaths and serious injuries on roadways, and is open to everyone.

Learn more about this class by going to the League of American Bicyclists webpage and clicking “Bike Friendly Driver” class or click here.

Use this PDF printable brochure to share information about this class.

To bring this class to your community or organization,  contact BWANH at

Bike-Walk Alliance of NH

2 Whitney Rd., Suite 11
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: 603-410-5848 | email: