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Feds Assess NH’s Bike-Ped Safety Programs

As previously noted in our Nov\Dec newsletter article here, BWANH representatives recently participated in a 3-day “assessment” by NHTSA (the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration) on New Hampshire’s bike & pedestrian safety programs. The series of meetings were held virtually on Monday March 18th through Wednesday March 20th.  A panel of non-federal, subject matter experts (“assessors”) from all over the country conducted a comprehensive interview of NH’s Office of Highway Safety (OHS), Dept. of Transportation (DOT), and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) focusing on their bicycle & pedestrian safety plans and programs. There were even a few questions that were directed to BWANH as the statewide bike-ped advocacy organization. The goal was to highlight the programs’ strengths and weaknesses, and provide recommendations for improvement. A final report distributed sometime in May will include a list of strengths as well as any recommendations for improvement.

As a “safety partner” of the OHS & DOT, BWANH was invited to attend, and have assisted OHS since early last year to gather required information for the assessment.

BWANH Board members Bruce Caplain, Greg Bakos, Paula Bedard and Dave Topham attended all three days virtually.

The draft interim report from this assessment should be distributed sometime in April, and the final report should be available in May. Stay tuned. We will share whatever we can!

More info on NHTSA’s assessment program is here on their website –> https://www.nhtsa.gov/highway-safety-grants-program/safety-program-assessment

Bike-Walk Alliance of NH

2 Whitney Rd., Suite 11
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: 603-410-5848 | email: info@bwanh.org