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BWANH Comments on Federal Traffic Standards

In May, BWANH submitted a series of comments on the revised Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. The MUTCD is a compilation of national standards for all traffic control devices, including road markings, highway signs, and traffic signals,

 and including things like bike lanes and crosswalks.

BWANH echoed the sentiments of many other pedestrian and bicyclist advocates across the country in calling for the MUTCD to be significantly reworked. In our view, the MUTCD prioritizes motor vehicle speed and throughput at the expense of pedestrian, bicycle, and transit access and safety. The revised MUTCD:

  • does not appear to consider the 50% increase in pedestrian crashes and deaths in the United States over the past 10 years, driven largely by increases in motor vehicle sizes and distracted driving behavior;
  • relies on outdated engineering standards for acceptable traffic speeds;
  • ties speed limit and traffic control standards to motor vehicle throughput instead of multi-modal safety outcomes.

Our comments included suggestions for specific improvements as well, such as ensuring that pedestrians and bicyclists are given proper consideration during evaluation of traffic signal installations.

We will keep you posted on any further opportunities to provide input on these key federal standards.

Bike-Walk Alliance of NH

2 Whitney Rd., Suite 11
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: 603-410-5848 | email: info@bwanh.org