Do you come to complete stops at intersections with stop signs? I am going to guess that some of you do not. Before I go on, the first point that absolutely must be said is that any and all laws should be followed. In NH, current law states that bicyclists must stop at all stop signs and red lights, just like motor vehicles.
On October 1, 2020, the state of Washington passed a “safety stop” law that allows cyclist to roll through an intersection basically making it a yield sign. Can this work in New Hampshire? Here is one person’s thoughts and comments on this question.
To pass legislation like this, many questions would have to be addressed (we all know about our political process). All points and questions aside, if other states are doing it and it is being done informally anyway, why not go ahead and make it law? Begin by leveraging other states’ language as a template to see how concerns and issues such as those raised above could be addressed.
No matter what, let’s continue to advocate for cycling and pedestrianism in the state of New Hampshire.