The New Hampshire Rail Trails Coalition (NHRTC), an affiliate of BWANH, is pleased to announce the biennial “New Hampshire Rail Trails Conference” conference will be held on Saturday, October 16, 2021 at the National Safety Council of NNE, 2 Whitney Road, Suite 11, Concord NH 03301. With easy access from Route 93 Exit 17 and free parking, the conference room facility will host 45 “in person” participants, and the conference will also have an optional Zoom connection (virtual participation) for those not wishing to drive to Concord. Rail trail advocates, managers, developers, and funders should find the conference useful. Please consider attending if you fall in to one of these categories. A detailed agenda will be available closer to the event.
A lot has happened concerning NH rail trails since the last conference in October 2019. New state policies, funding opportunities, increased popularity partially driven by Covid-19 and the NH Rail Trails Challenge, and completion / improvement of major rail trail segments enable more enjoyment for all users. Linking the entire seven northeast region via a “spine network” and bridging the gaps is a vision of the Rails to Trails Conservancy with new Federal funds helping to make it happen.
The full-day agenda will include guest speakers from several NH state agencies and the Rails to Trails Conservancy. There will be poster displays from various NH rail trail “Friends” groups, meet-and-greet time to talk with NHRTC Board members and guest speakers, and time for general networking. Morning snacks and lunch will be provided for all in-person attendees. Registration via Eventbrite will start in August at two levels, in-person and virtual via Zoom. The detailed agenda and ticket prices are being finalized in July. If you are not already on the NHRTC MailChimp list and wish to receive timely announcements, please send your name and email address to Dave Topham at
For more information about the NH Rail Trails Coalition, please visit our website or email