All is quiet in Concord these days as we enter the holiday season and election results are rolling in. That said, we can report on two study committees we have been watching.
HB-1188 establishes a commission to study OHRV use in the state and requires the commission to submit annual reports and proposed legislation. BWANH and NHRTC worked hard to have non-motorized organizations represented on the commission. Abby Evankow of the NHRTC was selected as a commission member for each session to be held for the next four years. The first meeting to organize the commission will be November 10.
HB-311 Study Committee on rail trail best management procedures wrapped up its work on October 18 with the final report and recommendation due for publication in November. BWANH / NHRTC member Boyd Smith worked with Representative Linda Gould to compile the report. Stay tuned!
SB-185 that launched the State Rail Trail Plan Update project in 2019 resulted in the plan being released by NHDOT on September 7. It is available on-line at