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AARP and Bike League Collaborate on Bike Audit Tool Kit

Created by AARP Livable Communities with the League of American Bicyclists, the AARP Bike Audit Tool Kit is a free, 32-page, information- and image-filled guide that can be used by bike/ped advocates and local leaders to assess and improve the safety and accessibility of a community’s streets and paths for all users, including cyclists. A bike audit can occur in a single-location or along a route between destinations (aka a riding bike audit).

The tool kit provides a step-by-step approach to observing and documenting the safe or unsafe bike-ability of a location. The results of a community bike audit can educate local decision-makers and provide them with the needed data, solutions and strategies for achieving change. The guide suggests that users share audit findings with local leaders, elected officials and members of civic organizations and neighborhood groups, and advocate for changes that will address the most pressing problems and be of benefit to the community.

Anyone can do a bike audit. In fact, the best audits are done by people with a range of perspectives and mobility needs. AARP Livable Communities published a Walk Audit Tool Kit in 2022.

The free AARP Bike Audit Tool Kit is available in print or as a PDF download. The worksheets are available as printable, online-fillable PDF downloads in single-sheet and two-page-large-type versions. There are nine worksheets:

  1. Make a Map
  2. Who’s Bicycling — and Why?
  3. Streets and Crossings (single-location audit/off-bike)
  4. Streets and Crossings (riding audit/on-bike)
  5. Car-Free Paths and Trails
  6. Street, Path or Trail Safety and Appeal
  7. Build a Better Block
  8. Bicycle Parking
  9. Cycling in the Heat, Rain, Wind or Snow

Bike-Walk Alliance of NH

2 Whitney Rd., Suite 11
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: 603-410-5848 | email: info@bwanh.org