Please join us in welcoming our two newest board members to the BWANH board. You can read more about them and their experience in their bios below.
Johnathan is a life long bicyclist commuter and rail trail enthusiast. He is part of the Gate City Bicycle Coop and helped found the Nashua Strong Towns chapter in addition to organizing grassroots Critical Mass and other fun rides around Nashua. His goal is to bring back strong communities based on walking and biking.
Don is a resident of Manchester and enjoys serving the community as a Manchester Commissioner on the Southern NH Planning Commission, the Manchester Conservation Commission, and a member of the Manchester Environmental Justice Advisory Group. Don also enjoys a long career in public safety and is a career Fire Lieutenant/Paramedic as well as a fire instructor for the State of NH. Throughout his career he has also been a volunteer EMT, firefighter and part-time police officer. While Don began cycling to help recover from a major health issue, he continues to do so for recreation. However, Don recognizes the important role that cycling has for all the members of our community. Don works to utilize his experiences to advocate for the advancement of cycling as a means of equitable transportation and economic development in Manchester and also in New Hampshire as a whole. By making cycling safer and more accessible we can connect our communities in ways never thought possible. Don often tells people “give me any social issue we are facing and I can tell you how cycling can help the problem.”