BWANH and NH Department of Safety (DOS), including the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) who oversees the Driver Education program, are partnering in an effort to update the Driver’s Ed manual with enhanced information on sharing the roads safely with bicyclists and pedestrians.
Additionally, BWA is also working to update the online database of questions that are used when people take their written driving test to ensure all aspects of pedestrian and bicycle safety are included. Did you know that the NH Driver’s Ed manual only mentions bicycles 52 times, while the Massachusetts manual references it 206 times! MA is ranked as the top bike friendly state by the League of American Bicyclists, so it’s a good benchmark.
In addition to the manual and questions, the BWA is going to work with the DOS to create social media PSAs and to update the materials used by the Driver’s Ed classes.
We’re looking forward to this as the start of a long partnership that will help enhance bike and pedestrian safety across the state.