The on-going topic of how rail trail users will be able to cross the new Derry Exit “4A” connector road was highlighted by NHDOT to the public on September 22 for the first time since the expected tunnel was dropped by NHDOT about 2.5 years ago with no public review. Some other local Derry concerns were discussed at the public informational meeting, while most of the evening was about the rail trail issue. Over 200 people attended and not one person (except NHDOT) spoke or raised a hand in support of the proposed “spaghetti alternative” to the tunnel plan.
In addition to NH rail trail advocates supporting the tunnel plan as approved by FHWA and funded in 2019, the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy mobilized their area “grassroots” members who contacted NHDOT with nearly 200 emails. Additionally, advocates organized a “calls to the Governor’s office” phone call campaign on October 4th, which generated approximately 300 live phone calls to the Governor’s office. WMUR aired an interview on October 5th with rail trail advocates, NHDOT, and Derry town management with opposing views. Follow-up meetings with Derry officials, FHWA, and NH agencies are underway with NHRTC taking the role of coordinator for all interested NH rail trail organizations.
The following 11-page PowerPoint, available here –>, created by Derry Rail Trail Alliance, provides a good summary and highlights the current status.
So far, no decisions have been reached by the Federal agencies that control the funding and all the required environmental permits. More advocate meetings are expected into January, especially with the Town of Derry.
Even though the official public comment period for this project is technically closed, we still feel that having members of the general public providing feedback is useful. This page of the BWANH website provides info on who to contact.