What's New!

Legislative Updates

A very busy NH legislative season has been underway for the past four months with NHRTC speaking up and taking action in support of the NH rail trail community.  We are pleased that BWANH / NHRTC members Ellen Kolb and Boyd Smith are able to attend the in-person House hearings and committee meetings on bills of interest thereby saving other Board members many hours of driving.  Virtual meetings are not an option unless approved by the state due to Covid concerns.

The HB-311 Study Committee as chaired by Representative Linda Gould on rail trail best management procedures has heard five presentations covering OHRV, NHBOT, NHDOT, and NHRTC interests.  One key subject is dust, “fugitive” dust versus “normal” dust, and how the effects are mitigated by the use of calcium chloride.  That salt-based chemical has its own potential negative impacts on vegetation, wildlife, and water.  Questions remain for the committee to discuss at their next meeting on June 6.

HB-1579 as introduced by Rep. Linda Gould at the request of NHRTC is to update the Recreational Use Statutes to indemnify railroad operators if Rail-with-Trail is allowed on their property.  Efforts to include agents working for a landowner and coverage for utility companies were struck from the bill
during the House Judiciary Committee Executive Session.  The bill has now passed the Senate committee.  Next stop: Governor Sununu’s signature!

HB-1188 would establish a comprehensive OHRV Study Committee. Written support was submitted by BWANH and NHRTC for the February 2 hearing. The bill as amended on February 9 adds NHRTC to the Study Committee. The bill has now cleared the Senate Committee and is awaiting the floor vote.

The State Rail Trail Plan Update project authorized by SB-185 is on-track for completing the draft document for the Advisory Stakeholders Committee (ASC) to review.  The final ASC meeting is scheduled for May 3 in-person at NHDOT (no remote option) with the project completion date remaining July 2022.

Bike-Walk Alliance of NH

2 Whitney Rd., Suite 11
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: 603-410-5848 | email: info@bwanh.org