On Monday eve, December 13th, BWANH hosted its annual meeting via Zoom, and featured a guest speaker. The event was open to BWANH supporters old and new, plus all members of the general public.
The guest speaker was Captain Chris Buchanan, of the Amherst Fire Department. Chris is also an Educational Technologist with the NH Fire Academy & EMS, and as a volunteer serves as chairperson of the Amherst Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee. In his talk, Chris shared his expertise on lessons learned from over a decade responding to motor vehicle collisions along Route 101 in the Amherst, Milford, and Wilton areas, a corridor that has a 250% higher mortality rate than other corridors. Chris talked in details about ways that some roadways are currently “dangerous by design” and the variety of methodologies can be applied to keep roads safer for all users.
The event was extremely well attended with over 40 participants on the call. A lengthy period of provocative questions and answers followed Chris’ talk. Below is a list of resources that Chris recommends on the subject.
Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do (and What It Says About Us) by Tom Vanderbilt
Sustainable Safety 3rd edition – The advanced vision for 2018-2030: Principles for design and organization of a casualty-free road traffic system
Confessions of a Recovering Engineer: Transportation for a Strong Town by Charles L Marohn Jr
CROW Guide Design manual for bicycle traffic
YouTube: Not Just Bikes
YouTube: Bicycle Dutch
YouTube: City Beautiful
YouTube: Mobycon
YouTube: Ben Hamilton-Baillie at CNU 22 Buffalo
In addition to Chris’ talk, BWANH Board President Paula Bedard gave a summary of BWANH 2021 accomplishments and plans for 2022 and beyond. At the close of the annual meeting, a name was chosen randomly as a winner of a $50 VISA gift card. Congrats to long-time BWANH supporter Lisa Cote for being the lucky winner!