As you may know by now, September & October were chock full of public meetings and calls for public input to the state’s 10-year Transportation Plan, known as the GACIT process.
The last of these meetings occurred during the first week of Nov.These meetings were announced by NH DOT (Dept of Transportation), BWA and other organizations who care about NH’s transportation needs and funding decisions.
The ultimate deadline for public input to the 10-Year Plan was Nov 8th, and final input happened via statements at in-person meetings, email & through the online survey distributed by NH DOT.
Thanks to all who answered the call & shared their feedback with DOT. Interesting information and summaries of the feedback were recently posted here on the NH Dept of Transportation website. A final meeting where public is invited is happening on Nov 22nd. More details including dial-in info is on the NH DOT website here or on the BWANH calendar page. Here’s a small sample of just some of the important feedback DOT heard as a result of public comment:
GACIT meetings occur every 2 years, so the next opportunity for public input will be in 2023. Stay tuned!