Bike Rodeos

What is a Bike Rodeo?
A bike rodeo is a community event that includes teaching bicycle safety concepts, typically to children between the ages of 4 and 13. However, any and all age groups could be included if the event is designed to accommodate the different age groups’ abilities. A bike rodeo usually includes some type of skills course that allows participants to ride their bikes in a safe environment, while being instructed about basic safety techniques, such as hand signaling, bike control (stopping, starting, turning) and other general traffic safety concepts.  Contact your local community organizations to find out if a bike rodeo is planned in your area or consider planning one yourself.

Many local organizations hold bike rodeo events as a way to engage with their community while also providing safety information. Typically local Police and Fire Departments, Recreation Departments, schools, or other community groups (Health & Wellness organizations, Kiwanis, Rotary, etc) sponsor these types of events.

What can BWANH do to help?
BWANH is happy to share  links to online resources for bike rodeos, such as the ones provided below.  If you send us the proper info (all the details of when where what, and any links to hosting sites), we are happy to add your bike rodeo to our Events Calendar and or help you get the word out through our social media channels.

Here are some helpful resources if you are involved with a bike rodeo, or if you are thinking about planning one:

Bike-Walk Alliance of NH

2 Whitney Rd., Suite 11
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: 603-410-5848 | email: