People and organizations support BWANH for a variety of reasons. Most want streets that are safer and more welcoming for bicyclists and pedestrians, communities that are designed to be less dependent on motor vehicles, and a higher percentage of funding for building, maintaining, and expanding bicycle and pedestrian routes, not just motor vehicle routes.
BWANH works in a variety of ways to encourage and steer state-level legislation that better protects our most vulnerable road users (bicyclists and pedestrians).
Our efforts are supported by donations from generous biking and walking enthusiasts, bike shops, businesses, clubs, and organizations.
Please offer your support with either an annual membership (“Annual Support”) or a donation (“One Time Donation”). If you have been a member in the past and are not sure of your current membership status, simply email us at to inquire. Your support is much needed and much appreciated.
Support us by going to our website’s “SUPPORT US” page here.