By: Michael Kowalczyk, MRRTC President
The Monadnock Region Rail Trail Collaborative (MRRTC), an affiliate of the Bike Walk Alliance of NH, was formed in 2018 with the goal to bring together people and organizations that share the goal and interest for improving the regional rail trails. The MRRTC has a diverse board with representatives from Cheshire County, Monadnock Conservancy, Southwest Regional Planning Commission, Jaffrey, Keene, Swanzey, Walpole, Winchester, Keene SnoRiders, and Bike Walk Alliance of New Hampshire. The board enables rail trail projects of various types and various locations to go from idea to reality. The rail trails impacted are the Ashuelot, Cheshire North, Cheshire South, Fort Hill, and Monadnock. Projects fall into one of three categories: Implementation, Near-Term Planning, and Long-Term Planning.
For 2023 there are 11 projects in the implementation phase impacting rail trails within 9 towns. Seven near term projects, planned for 2024, will impact rail trails in 9 towns. Finally, 5 long range projects are planned that impact rail trails in 5 towns. All these projects require many hours of volunteer labor, cooperation with the NH Trails Bureau, and the continued search for funding. A big thanks to all those who are helping to make the Monadnock Region rail trails a community asset for all to enjoy. If you wish to volunteer or just learn more, visit the MRRTC website at or the Monadnock Region Rail Trail Collaborative Facebook page.